• thez teri

"Nafas olish" mikrofiber terisi

Uyni bezatish sohasida mikromoliya terisi ham porlaydi. It is widely used in sofas, chairs and other furniture surface materials, not only comfortable touch, elegant appearance, and easy to clean and maintain. Compared with traditional leather, microfiber leather is more wear-resistant and stain-resistant, and can maintain the beauty and practicality for a long time.

Avtomobillar ichki qismi, shuningdek, mikromoliya terisini teri bilan bog'liq muhim yo'nalishlardan biridir. With the consumers on the car interior quality requirements continue to improve, microfiber leather with its unique advantages gradually replaced part of the leather material. It not only provides a more luxurious and comfortable driving experience, but also has good breath ability and durability to meet the needs of different seasons.

It is worth mentioning that, with the progress of science and technology and the continuous innovation of technology, the performance of microfiber leather is still improving. Masalan, sirtni davolashning maxsus texnologiyasi orqali teri charm teriga taqlid qilish mumkin; Va yangi ekologik toza materiallarni joriy etish, bu uning atrof-muhitga ifloslanish jarayonini yanada pasaytiradi.

O'tish vaqti: fevral-27-2025